Sell a Trailer / Mobile Home Park: We Buy Trailer/Mobile Home Parks in Texas

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Are you considering selling your trailer park or Mobile Home Park?

Investorade is a trailer park buyer and we buy trailer parks for cash. We make it easy to sell trailer parks. We can close on trailer parks without surveys, and with no repairs. We can even close on trailer parks without proper financials. Investorade makes high offers for trailer parks throughout Texas. If you are interested in selling your trailer park quickly, or have searched “sell my trailer park,” you are in the right place. We can close trailer parks in under 30 days, and are the absolute easiest way to sell your trailer park.

Over 1200 Sellers Have Sold to investorade!

Investorade is your trusted partner when it comes to selling trailer parks and Mobile Home parks. With our team of experienced trailer park real estate agents and brokers, we’re dedicated to making the selling process seamless and efficient. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore every aspect of selling a trailer park, providing you with valuable insights and expert advice to ensure a successful sale.

We buy trailer parks for cash and can buy any size trailer park or mobile home park. There are no limits to our transaction size. We pay cash, and make the closing happen very quickly. There are no need for surveys, or appraisals when you sell a trailer park to investorade. Please see below for the traditional steps to sell a trailer park. These steps are not required when you sell to investorade. All you need to do is fill out the form below for an offer on your trailer park.

Understanding the Trailer Park Market

Before diving into the selling process, it’s essential to have a solid understanding of the trailer park market. Trailer parks, also known as manufactured home communities, represent a unique niche within the real estate industry. They offer affordable housing options for many individuals and families, making them a valuable investment.

  • Market Trends: Begin by researching the current market trends in the trailer park industry. Are trailer parks in your area in high demand? What are the average sale prices? Understanding these trends can help you set realistic expectations for your sale.
  • Local Regulations: Trailer parks are subject to various local regulations and zoning laws. Familiarize yourself with these regulations to ensure a smooth transaction. Your trailer park real estate agent can also assist with this process.

Preparing Your Trailer Park for Sale

Once you’ve decided to sell your trailer park, the next step is to prepare the property for the sale. First impressions matter, and a well-maintained and appealing trailer park is more likely to attract potential buyers.

  • Property Evaluation: Collaborate with your trailer park broker to conduct a comprehensive property evaluation. This evaluation will help determine the fair market value of your trailer park. Factors such as location, infrastructure, amenities, and the condition of the homes within the community all play a role in this assessment.
  • Maintenance and Repairs: Address any necessary maintenance or repairs to enhance the overall appearance of the trailer park. This might include landscaping improvements, paving repairs, and renovating common areas.
  • Financial Documentation: Gather all relevant financial documents, including profit and loss statements, rent rolls, and tax records. Having a complete and organized financial history of your trailer park will instill confidence in potential buyers.

Marketing Your Trailer Park

Effective marketing is crucial when selling a trailer park. Your goal is to reach potential buyers who are actively seeking trailer park investments.

Here are some strategies to consider:

  • Online Presence: Create a professional and informative listing for your trailer park on reputable real estate websites. High-quality photos, detailed descriptions, and virtual tours can make your listing stand out.
  • Networking: Leverage your trailer park real estate agent’s extensive network to connect with potential buyers. They have access to a broad range of investors and can facilitate introductions.
  • Local Advertising: Consider local advertising options, such as placing ads in newspapers, community newsletters, or even on local radio stations. Targeting the local market can attract buyers looking for investment opportunities in their area.

Negotiating the Sale

Negotiating the sale of a trailer park can be complex, as it involves various financial and legal aspects. Having an experienced trailer park broker by your side is invaluable during this phase.

  • Price Negotiation: Be prepared to negotiate the sale price with potential buyers. Your broker will help you find a balance between achieving a fair price and closing the deal.
  • Due Diligence: Buyers will conduct due diligence to ensure they are making a sound investment. They may request access to financial records, inspection reports, and other relevant documents. Be cooperative and transparent throughout this process to build trust with the buyer.

Closing the Deal

Once negotiations are complete and both parties are satisfied, it’s time to close the deal. This involves finalizing the paperwork and transferring ownership.

  • Legal Assistance: Consult with an attorney experienced in real estate transactions to ensure all legal requirements are met. They will help draft and review contracts, ensuring a smooth and legally compliant transaction.
  • Transfer of Ownership: The final step is the transfer of ownership. Your attorney will coordinate with the buyer’s attorney and the appropriate government agencies to complete the sale.

Post-Sale Considerations

After the sale of your trailer park is complete, there are a few post-sale considerations to keep in mind:

  • Tax Implications: Consult with a tax advisor to understand the tax implications of your sale. Proper tax planning can help you maximize your profits.
  • Reinvestment Options: If you plan to reinvest the proceeds from the sale, explore different investment opportunities. Your financial advisor can help you make informed decisions.


Selling a trailer park or manufactured community requires careful planning, market knowledge, and the support of experienced professionals. With Investorade by your side, you can navigate the selling process with confidence, knowing that you have a dedicated team of trailer park real estate agents and brokers working to maximize the value of your investment.

Ready to sell your trailer park? Contact us today, and let’s get started on your journey to a successful sale. Remember when you sell your mobile home park to investorade, there is only one step necessary, to call investorade.